Black-eared Wheatear
Scientific Name: Oenanthe hispanicaMaltese Name: Kuda Dumnikana
Family: Thrushes and chats (Turdidae)
Occurence: Scarce
Breeds in Malta: No
The Black-eared Wheatear is similar to its closer species the Northern Wheatear in size and behavior. The male has a black mask and and orange-brown cap and throat. Wings are black with partly white tips. The female is duller and browner. Mainly feeds on insects taken from the ground. It breeds in rocks or cups in the ground. Breeds in Mediterranean countries and spend the winter south of the Sahara. Two races occur: The eastern race melanoleuca and the western race hispanica. Both races are similar but have some minor differences in plumage.
A Regular migrant, especially in spring. Both races occur, with melanoleuca being the most common.
One breeding record; In 1982, a pair of Black eared Wheatears of the race melanoleuca bred in the vicinity of an area called Ta' Zuta' , limits of Siggiewi.
When to See:
The Black eared Wheatear is a frequent spring migrant appearing between March and beginning of May. In autumn is very scarce and irregular appearing from August till October.
Where to See:
A bird of open areas. It prefers areas of garrigue with low shrubs and rocks. Also rocky walls, farmland and vineyards also suitable. Comino, Migra Ferha and Ta' Cenc are good places to see this bird.
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Male Black-eared Wheatear ssp.Melanoleuca, Comino |
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Male Black-eared Wheatear ssp.Melanoleuca, Comino | Female Black-eared Wheatear, Nadur Malta |
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Black-eared Wheatear and Northern Wheatear, Comino |
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