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Scientific Name: Fulica atra
Maltese Name: Tigiega tal-Bahar
Family: Rails (Rallidae)
Occurence: Regular Winter Visitor
Breeds in Malta: Yes
Breeding Frequency: Rare & Localised

The coot is a medium-sized black, except for the white facial shield and bill, water bird. The juvenile is paler than the adult, has a whitish breast, and lacks the facial shield. The chick is black with red and blue on its head. As a swimming species, the Coot has partial webbing on its long strong toes. The coot shows considerable variation in its feeding techniques, grazing on land or in the water. In the water it may upend in the fashion of a Dabbling Duck or dive in search of food. The Coot prefers marsh lands with ample vegitation to breed but it tends to winter in large numbers in open waters such as lakes or sea harbours. During breeding season it defends its territory fiercly. This is a noisy bird with a wide repertoire of crackling, explosive, or trumpeting calls, often given at night.

Status and Distribution:
The Coot is a very rare breeding bird in Malta, with it having bred only in two consecutive years (2008 - 2009) at Simar Nature Reserve. Apart from the breeding birds, 5 - 15 birds winter at Simar Nature Reserve and up to 5 birds winter at Ghadira Nature Reserve. A flock of about 30 birds used to winter at Ghadira Nature Reserve in the past.

When to See:
Best time to see is in winter, if breeding, at Simar Nature Reserves present till end of summer or throughout the whole year.

Where to See:
Simar and Ghadira Nature Reserves and occasionally Salina Saltpans


Adult Coot, Simar Nature Reserve

Adult Coots Preening, Simar Nature reserve Coot's nest with 4 eggs, Simar Nature Reserve, 27th March 2009

Juvenile Coot, Ghadira Nature Reserve

Adult Coot with 5 chicks, 26th April 2008, Simar Nature Reserve Adult Coot with a chick, 26th April 2008, Simar Nature Reserve

Adult Coot feeding its Chick, 4th May 2008, Simar Nature Reserve

Flock of Wintering Coots at Ghadira Nature Reserve, February 1990

Listen to Coot:

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