African Desert Warbler
Scientific Name: Sylvia DesertiMaltese Name: Bekkafik tad-Dezert
Family: Warblers (Sylviidae)
Occurence: Vagrant
Breeds in Malta: No
Breeds in semi-desert habitat, very small but active and restless. Sandy colour overall, with a rufuos tail and yellow eye.
Vagrant. 6 records of this species. Last bird recorded on the 22nd of April 2010.
When to See:
Mostly recorded in Spring.
African Desert Warbler, 22nd April 2010, Migra Ferha |
African Desert Warbler, 22nd April 2010, Migra Ferha | African Desert Warbler, 22nd April 2010, Migra Ferha |
African Desert Warbler, 22nd April 2010, Migra Ferha |
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