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Grey Heron

Scientific Name: Ardea cineea
Maltese Name: Russett Griz
Family: Herons (Ardeidae)
Occurence: Regular Autumn and Spring Migrant
Breeds in Malta: No

The Grey Heron is the largest heron species seen in the Maltese Islands. It has grey wings, white forehead and a dagger-like beak. In flight it has a slow wing beat with its neck positioned kneel round and slightly bowed wings. The Grey Heron is the most widespread heron across Europe, often seen in town parks and other human related areas. It is often seen in Malta in large flocks in beautiful 'V' formations flying mostly along the coast but occasionally even inland. When searching for food, it stands near the water edge waiting for a fish in reachable striking distance. When it catches sight of its prey , its dagger-shaped beak strikes forward giving the fish little chance to escape. It often eats fish, tadpoles, beetles and even small mammals. Winters in Africa and Mediterranean.

The Grey Heron is a regular autumn and spring migrant. It is often seen in large flocks even reaching c50 birds. On some days it is quite more numerous then on other days.

When to See:
In spring, mainly March-April while in autumn late August-September. In winter, an odd individual occasionally overwinters at Ghadira Nature Reserve. Some birds also appear in summer as early as July.

Where to See:
Ghadira Nature Reserve, Simar Nature Reserve and Salina serve as good resting points. Often also seen resting on rocks along the sea shore. May be seen flying over in flocks from anywhere during migration.


Grey Herons at Simar Nature Reserve

Grey Heron flying over Ghadira Nature Reserve Grey Herons leaving Ghadira Nature Reserve

Grey Heron at Ghadira Nature Reserve

Large flock of migrating Grey Herons in V-formation, Qawra

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