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House Martin

Scientific Name: Delichon urbica
Maltese Name: Hawwiefa
Family: Hirundines (Hirundinidae)
Occurence: Common
Breeds in Malta: Very Rare

The House Martin is a black and white swallow like-bird. It has triangular wings and forked tail. It has blackish upperparts with a white rump.. The House Martin hunts insects in flight. It is a widespread breeder across Europe, breeding in villages, towns and open countryside. Also breeds on cliff ledges in undeveloped areas. It makes a nest out of mud beneath eaves on walls or bridges etc. It has the same behavior and habits as other swallows and martins. It is a summer breeder throughout Europe and winters in tropical Africa.

The House Martin is a very common autumn and spring migrant. It is seen in singles or flocks. It is occasionally seen in mixed flocks with Barn Swallows and a few Sand Martins. Sometimes on peak days flocks of hundreds if not thousands pass through.
It is a very rare breeder with only a few records in the past decades. In 1981, 2 pairs bred under a balcony in the village centre of Mosta, in 1982 a pair bred under the clock of the Cathedral of Mdina and another in a hole on the island of Filfla. In 2000, another pair bred in Raba' Nemel (in the vicinity of Dingli)and in 2001 the same pair bred again in the same location, using the same nest. In June 2002, a pair bred at Nadur Gozo raising 2 young.

When to See:
Spring; a few individuals make an early appearance by the end of January giving the sign that spring migration has commenced. Infact House Martins are the first migrants to appear every spring. Regular and very common from March till May. In autumn from September till October with best time probably being last week of September and first week of October where large numbers occur.

Where to See:
Can be seen flying around anywhere during migration. Large concentration of House Martins is seen in the vicinity of water as they feed on insects. Simar and Ghadira Nature reserves are good places to observe this species feeding during the day.


Adult House Martin from above

1 of the 2 Nests in Mosta 1981

1 of the 2 Nests in Mosta 1981 The Nest at Imdina in 1982
The Nest at Raba' Nemel in 2000 The Nest at Nadur in Gozo in 2002

Adult House Martin from below

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