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Penduline Tit

Scientific Name: Remiz pendulinus
Maltese Name: Pendulin
Family: Penduline Tits (Remizidae)
Occurence: Very Scarce
Breeds in Malta: No

Unreleated to the "typical" tits, the Penduline Tit is a marsh passerine bird that likes a mixture of reeds, poplars and willows. It is easily overlooked as its colouration helps it to blend with the reed-beds perfectly, but its characteristic call, a long whistle (similar to that of the Reed Bunting) draws attention to it.
Adult males have a black mask from the forehead across the cheeks. Their head is pale grey.
The Penduline Tit's nest is extremely distinctive, made of reed-mace in the shape of a deep pouch with an entrance spout near the top. It is normally built hanging from the end of a thin twig above the reed-bed.

Very Scarce Bird. Used to be a very rare bird with only a few records in the 70s and 80s. Lately it started to come in small influxes from time to time, with a good number of birds recorded mainly in winter from various locations. Latest records of Penduline Tit were in 2007-2008 various birds were seen at Simar Nature Reserve, Ghadira Nature Reserve, Salina Saltpans and Rabat. One bird with a Croatian ring was controlled at Simar Nature Reserve by the reserve's warden. In 2010 a single bird was recorded at Simar Nature Reserve in December.

When to See:
Mostly seen in Winter/late Autumn.

Where to See:
It prefers pools and ditches with reedbeds. Simar, Salina and Ghadira are the best places to see Penduline Tit in Malta.


Male Penduline Tit, 25th December 2010, Simar Nature Reserve

Adult Male Penduline Tit, 6th January 2008, Simar Nature Reserve

Adult Male Penduline Tit, 6th January 2008, Simar Nature Reserve Adult Male & Adult Female Penduline Tit, 31st October 2007, Simar Nature Reserve

Male Penduline Tit, 25th December 2010, Simar Nature Reserve

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